Weed Vape

Weed Vape (THC And CBD Vapes)

Weed Vape or “hash oil” pens are a type of vaporizer specifically designed for the vaporization of cannabis distillates and oils. They’re called pens because the compact design of the vape device closely resembles that of the traditional pen. A steam pen consists of two parts: a battery and a cartridge.

Vape batteries come in a variety of styles – button or buttonless, cylindrical or rectangular, large or small – with a shape and style that fits many personal preferences. One of the most popular weed pen batteries is the 510 thread, which is compatible with a large portion of pre-filled steam cartridges on the medical and adult-use concentrated market.

“Hash oil” vapor cartridges contain a buoyant, a chamber and a heating element that is activated upon initial contact with a steam battery. The chamber of a vape cartridge is filled with oil or distillate containing concentrated amounts of cannabis cannabinoids and terpenes.

There are a number of considerations to make when shopping for the right vape pen for your consumption needs. For example, the battery capacity and type will dictate factors like the device’s heat up time and overall lifespan.

What’s in a vape cartridge?

When choosing a weed vape cartridge, it’s important to know the type of oil contained within, whether and how it’s flavored and what cutting agents, if any, have been used to dilute the solution. This helps you anticipate the type of vaping experience to expect.

Vape cartridges are all filled with cannabis distillate that’s designed for optimal vaporization using a portable battery. During the distillation process, the cannabis oil is stripped of all flavor and aromatic compounds. At this point, it can be left in its raw form (flavorless/tasteless), it can be mixed with terpenes for extra flavor, or with some form of glycol (PG, VG, PEG) to give the vapor extra mouthfeel (thin versus thick, smooth versus chalky, dry versus buttery).

Raw vape cartridges

While all cartridges contain cannabinoids, not all cartridges contain terpenes. Terpenes are organic compounds that give plants their aroma and flavors. “Raw cartridges” are vape cartridges that do not contain any additional cutting agent or terpenes, just the pure cannabis distillate.

Strain-specific and natural terpene cartridges

The reintroduction of terpenes is common in distillate-filled cartridges, as the distillation process removes the natural plant terpenes and results in an odorless, flavorless viscous liquid. Some extractors have mastered a technique that allows them to remove the terpenes from the plant during the distillation process and reintroduce them prior to filling the vape cartridges. These cartridges are known as strain-specific vape cartridges that use cannabis-derived terpenes to retain the same aroma and flavor of the plant that the oil was derived from.

It’s also common for cartridges to be filled with naturally derived terpenes that create exotic flavors that smell and taste like fruits and candies. The reintroduction of terpenes after extraction allows manufacturers to create countless cannabinoid and terpene combinations to suit a variety of needs. These terpenes can also change the viscosity and color of the distillate in the cartridge.

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